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Project Brief

Our audience features members of Gen-Z aged 18 to 25. people whom may be voting for the first time, and need that sense of encouragement.
To help establish a sense of unity and hope knowing that every single voter has an amount of importance.

All In To Vote

Founded in 2016, the All In Campus Democracy
Challenge believes that higher education has a
responsibility to prepare students to be active voters upon graduation.

With the addition of voting registration to
existing processes such as orientation or classes, ALL IN
has proven to improve civic learning, political
engagement, and voter participation.

Design Approach 01:

Exciting Urgency

A 16 x 9 looping animation that sparks an exciting and boisterous emotion within the viewer.
A good burst of dopamine that encourages one to get out and vote, for the promise of a better tomorrow.


Design Approach 02:

Wholesome Empowerment

A 1 x 1 looping animation that has a simple, elegant use of text and simple geometric shapes that help establish a sense of calmness.
All the while supporting the viewer within the current moment, to rise up together and fight for the betterment of our future.


Animation First Pass

After the initial pass, the move was to lean further into the shattered glass look. To separate the initial sentence into a few powerful frames that take up the same general composition, all the while for the rough first pass; To not cut it off so suddenly, so as to make sure that it loops properly.

Animation Final Pass

After Effects Timeline


Color Choices





Font Choice

Eras Bold ITC

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